Shows in Granada: Experience Granada’s culture to the fullest

If you want to know the best shows in Granada you have come to the right place, from Jardines de Zoraya we not only offer some of the most charming flamenco shows in Granada, we can also recommend other great shows to enjoy in these streets that we love so much.

Here are some of the best shows in Granada, just a word of warning: come early because you’ll want to see them all!

The best shows to see in Granada

Flamenco Tablao

A tablao flamenco is a place where you can enjoy flamenco shows almost daily, and where it is common for the great stars of this musical genre to come to delight us with their art.

In Granada we are fortunate to have many tablaos flamencos, where in addition to enjoying the magic that only flamenco artists have, you can also taste typical dishes of Granada and even delicious drinks or cocktails.

In Jardines de Zoraya for example, we are a flamenco tablao where you can experience the magic of flamenco live every day, from 20:00 to 22:30, tasting also a charming dinner, alone or in the company of your loved ones. You will find us at C. Panaderos, 32, 18010 Granada.

Tours and concerts

Granada is a city much loved by Spanish and international artists, so it is a regular visit in tours and concerts of the best musical artists.

As these shows in Granada differ according to the time you visit the city, we will only tell you that usually take place at the Palacio de Congresos y Exposiciones, check their agenda for more information. to discover the shows they will be performing during your stay or even plan your trip according to the concert you would like to see.

Humorists Humor is never missing in Granada!

Andalusia has the reputation of being a Community with a lot of flair, and as they say, fame has to be earned! In Granada we strive (well, more like it comes out on its own) to bring a smile to all our visitors and of course to our locals, so comedy shows are very common in Granada.

Most of these shows are also suitable for children and teenagers, and can be attended by the whole family without any problem. They are usually held in venues, restaurants and at the Palacio de Congresos y Exposiciones (At you can get discounted tickets).


To define a zarzuela is not easy, because you have to see it and feel it to really understand it. For those who do not know exactly what this art form is, we will say that it is a form of theatrical music that combines staging and Spanish music.

Seeing a zarzuela in Granada is one of the most beautiful things you can do if you come to visit us, because it’s not just another show in Granada, it’s one of the best things you can do. a purely cultural, fun and emotional event, that, above all, helps you feel that you have a better understanding of the culture of this beautiful place you are visiting. The soul of Granada and the soul of Spain.

Sensory shows

One of the shows in Granada that already has more than 325,000 spectators is CARMINA BURANA, a show for all audiences that plays with aromas, incredible projected images and immersive music that takes us second after second to different scenarios. The viewer doesn’t have a minute’s respite, as he or she experiences intense emotions at all times and also feels great while doing so.

It is a show suitable for all audiences, and although it is not the only one of its kind in Granada, it is one of the most famous and an event that we recommend you to visit.

Perfect musicals for children and adults

The Palacio de Congresos y Exposiciones also regularly hosts some of the best musicals in Spain, and many of them are not only suitable for children, but it will be the youngest who will be the happiest to enjoy some of their musicals. For example, the Peter Pan musical, perfect for the whole family, or Peppa Pig’s adventures!

Typical dances of Granada

Just as you can easily find flamenco tablaos in Granada where you can soak up this beautiful culture, it will also be easy to find places where you can marvel at the typical dances from Granada such as La Reja, a dance to the rhythm of tanguillo, the Zambra Gitana del Sacromonte or the Fandangos of Andalusian origin.

Now that you know the best shows to see in Granada, the only thing left is recommend Jardines de Zoraya (C. Panaderos, 32, 18010 Granada), our flamenco tablao. where every night we prepare with care some of the best shows in town, you can also enjoy typical dishes of the area and we will recommend other shows in person, so you can get the most out of your visit to Granada. Come and meet us!

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