Typical food from Granada: 7 dishes you will want to try

They say that Granada has a special color, but those who are lucky enough to know it know that it also has an unforgettable flavor. From Jardines de Zoraya we would like to share with you what is the typical food from Granda, dishes with Spanish flavor that you will love. Many of them you can enjoy in our restaurant:

What is the typical food of Granada?

1- Smoked sardine

We begin our walk through the food from Granada with a delicacy for the senses, because in addition to having not only has a delicious taste, but also its aroma will make you salivate.

Pomegranate sardines usually come mainly from Motril, being a fresh fish that is not only delicious but also very healthy.

2- Iberian toast:

The Iberian tostada is a dish made in spain that triumphs in Granada, especially in the early morning.

This toast, as we serve it in Jardines de Zoraya, consists of a toast of sourdough bread with tomato, Iberian ham and extra virgin olive oil. The perfect way to start the day with energy (or end it, as you wish).

3- Bonito “encebollao”:

As its name indicates, this typical dish of Granada’s cuisine consists of a portion of tuna with potatoes with onions.

It is a very complete and satiating dish that we serve in Jardines de Zoraya, being a recipe that has fish as the main ingredient, it is also very healthy and, of course, delicious!

4- Remojón Granadino

The remojón granadino is one of the most refreshing dishes you can enjoy in the city, as it is a salad that mixes orange segments with different ingredients such as black olives or boiled eggs. a salad that mixes orange segments with different ingredients such as black olives or boiled eggs.

It is a dish that we rarely find outside Granada, so if you are traveling in the city we strongly recommend you to try it. The simpler versions are usually eaten as a dessert or snack, while the more elaborate remojones are served as a main dish.

5- San Anton Pot

This typical dish of Granada is served in almost all bars and restaurants in Granada on January 17, as it is the day we celebrate San Antón, one of our most important festivities.

The best thing about this dish is that besides being delicious, it helps us to warm up at a time when we usually need it. The recipe consists of a stew of rice, blood sausage, pork face and pringá, which is usually mixed with broth, dried beans and beans.. A delicacy for special occasions.

6- Sacromonte omelet

As you may have guessed from its name, the Sacromonte omelette is the typical dish of this place and, although it is not a light omelette, it is a pleasure for the palate and will help you gain energy for the rest of the day if you have it at lunchtime.

At first glance it may look like a potato omelette; however, it has many more ingredients inside: being the base what we know as casquería (criadillas, sesadas…), chorizo can also be added, and more traditional versions incorporate broad beans, peas, cured ham and bell peppers. chorizo can also be added, and the most traditional versions incorporate broad beans, peas, cured ham and bell peppers..

7 Eggplants fried with honey:

This is one of the typical dishes of Andalusia
The key to its success? The contrast of flavors experienced when the honey comes in contact with the eggplant.

They are often served as a delicious tapa in bars and restaurants throughout Granada.being a dish of Arab origin. It is usually served with the eggplants cut in the shape of a stick (as french fries are usually served) and it is traditional to drizzle them with cane honey.

Typical drinks and desserts from Granada

Now that we know the typical dishes of the Granaina cuisineNow that we know the most common desserts and drinks, let’s see what are the most common desserts and drinks, so you can complement your next dinner or lunch to perfection:

Typical drinks from Granada

  • Wine: Wines are one of the most typical beverages of Granada, highlighting the wines of Contraviesa, Albondón and Albuñol.
  • Beer: Beer also triumphs in bars and restaurants throughout the city, with Alhambra beer, brewed in the city since 1925, reigning supreme.

Typical desserts from Granada

  • Piononos: Piononos are a hallmark of Granaine culture, consisting of a thin sheet of sponge cake soaked in a sweet and smooth liquor that is filled with cream and cinnamon and then topped with toasted sugar.
  • Poleá: A traditional Andalusian dessert with aniseed gel and spiced fried bread croutons, available at Jardines de Zoraya.

Now that you know the typical food of Granada we encourage you to visit us at Jardines de Zoraya, where you will be able to enjoy a multitude of these typical recipes from Granada while you delight yourself with
impressive flamenco shows, your best option to get to know
your best option to get to know this beautiful city from the inside.

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