The 8 best flamenco singers in history

Flamenco is perhaps the most internationally recognized genre of Spanish culture, not in vain is considered Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity since 2010 by UNESCO. It is an art that is still very much alive today. The most colorful part of flamenco is usually the dancing, but it is also true that flamenco singers play a fundamental role as stars of the show, especially considering that in its origins flamenco was nothing more than singing. Below, we will show you the best known flamenco singers both inside and outside our borders, with a list ranging from the classics to those who are still active today:

Flamenco singers that we miss

La Niña de los Peines

Pastora Pavón, la Niña de los Peines, is considered the best flamenco singer in history, this artist mastered all the palos of flamenco singing. Her brothers were also renowned flamenco artists, and she, at only 8 years old, was already delighting with her performances in the singing cafes of the time. La Niña de los Peines devoted herself entirely to the world of flamenco singing, creating styles such as the Bamberas or the Lorqueñas. Her sound recordings were declared an Asset of Cultural Interest of the Andalusian Heritage in 1999.

Camarón de la Isla

José Monje Cruz, artistically known as Camarón de la Isla, is considered one of the main figures of the genre, dedicating his life entirely to this art and attracting attention with his singing from a very early age. He is a flamenco revolutionary who collaborated with great guitarists such as Paco de Lucia, Paco Cepero and Tomatito. Camarón achieved in 1989 with “Soy Gitano” the best-selling album in the history of flamenco.

Manolo Caracol

Manuel Ortega, known artistically as Manolo Caracol, was a great innovator, as well as one of the best flamenco singers of his time, mythical are his performances with Lola Flores. Descendant of a saga of cantaores – the popular name to call flamenco singers in Spanish -, his family has several representatives of this art; in addition, since he was a child, Manolo Caracol already triumphed in the Cante Jondo de Granada contest. He was an exceptional cantaor whose memory brings us that personal touch he gave to each of the genres he approached.

Lola Flores

Lola Flores, known as ‘La Faraona’. With only ten years old she already showed qualities for singing and dancing, this multifaceted artist (she was even an actress) is a great referent of flamenco art. She recorded her first album in 1940 and her performances with Manolo Caracol brought her fame on a large scale, transforming her into a flamenco icon, even creating her own company “Zambra”. She had an enviable professional career and became an internationally recognized artist.

Enrique Morente

Enrique Morente, the renovator of flamenco, started in this art singing in the taverns of Granada at a very young age, later he moved to Madrid and learned from other famous singers. Already in the 60’s he was recognized as a solid representative of the values of young flamenco, using his very personal voice and his very wide register he managed to adapt many artists and styles to flamenco singing. He had a career full of recognition and success, winning many awards along the way.

Flamenco singers of today

Estrella Morente

Estrella Morente is the daughter of Enrique Morente and the dancer Aurora Carbonell. She is considered one of the best flamenco singers of today, being an internationally known artist of reference. She has achieved such important merits as the National Music Award, being ambassador of Andalusia and even being nominated for a Latin Grammy.

José Mercé

José Soto, known artistically as José Mercé, recorded his first album at the age of 13 and is the first gypsy cantaor to perform at the Teatro Real.This author maintains the pure essence of the cante, but also dares to mix other versions. He was winner of the National Contest of Flamenco Art of Cordoba in 1986, distinguished with the Medal of Andalusia, and other awards adorn the career of this genius of flamenco.

Carmen Linares

Carmen Pacheco, known as Carmen Linares, is a legend of flamenco, being one of the artists with more projection within the Andalusian singing. She knows how to transmit the heritage of flamenco in an intense way and with her own style. Carmen Linares has sang with the most popular flamenco artists such as Enrique Morente, Camarón, Carmen Mora and the brothers Juan and Pepe Habichuela, even has performed with the New York Philharmonic. She was the only woman to win the National Music Award for Performance in 2001. In the Zoraya Gardens you will enjoy the best flamenco art with unparalleled shows and some of the great singers of Andalusia. Come and visit us! You will be surprised with the best of flamenco combined with Andalusian gastronomy. A real experience! 

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