Historic center Granada

Granada is an Andalusian city that captivates with its architecture, tradition and customs. If you visit the city, it is best to find out beforehand about all the monuments and cultural attractions it has to offer, as there are many of them. Read on to learn about all the wonders to be discovered in the historic center of Granada.

How to get to the historic center

The historic center of Granada can be reached in different ways, as there are several means of public transportation available to everyone. If you wish to do it by bus, lines 21, 33, 8 and C34 that go to the city center are in operation. It is also possible to go by subway.

Of course, once you get to the old town, it is best to walk through the streets, as many of them are cobblestone, narrow or uphill. We recommend that you wear comfortable shoes to be able to see everything.

What to see in the center of Granada

The center of Granada is full of historical buildings and monuments of great interest. But it can also be a good area to enjoy the local gastronomy in its bars and restaurants. Or even the occasional flamenco show. These are some of the places that you should not miss for anything in the world on your way through the city.

Monastery of San Jerónimo

The Royal Monastery of San Jerónimo has been declared an Asset of Cultural Interest. It was the first monastery to be built after the expulsion of the Muslims by the Catholic Monarchs. It is a Renaissance building built in 1504 by Diego de Siloé. It stands out for its cross plan, its mannerist altarpiece in the main chapel and its two landscaped cloisters. Undoubtedly, it is an architectural jewel that should be on the list of what to visit in the historic center of Granada.

Granada Cathedral

The Metropolitan Cathedral Basilica of the Incarnation is a Catholic temple from the Spanish Renaissance period. Taking a guided tour with audio guide can be a good option to see the Cathedral of Granada in detail and learn all the history of the Puerta del Perdón, the Portada de San Jerónimo and the Royal Chapel, where the tombs of the Catholic Monarchs are located. In its interior there is also a magnificent altarpiece.

The Alcaicería

The Alcaicería is an area that goes from Plaza Nueva to Plaza Bib-Rambla. It is an old Muslim bazaar formed by narrow streets, where the souk – the market – was located. In Arab times, silk fabrics used to be sold there. Currently, you can find all the handicraft stores in Granada. If you feel like taking home some nice souvenirs from Granada, it is the perfect place to take a stroll and go shopping.

Calderería Street

Another interesting place in the historic center of Granada is Calle Calderería, famous for its stores, bars and restaurants. In the Muslim period, the boiler and blacksmith workshops were located in this mythical street, which is where it gets its name. It is a pedestrian area where you can buy Arab-style carpets, ceramics and crystal chandeliers.

Corral del Carbon

Another emblematic monument of the historic center of Granada is the Corral del Carbon, which was called in Arabic al-fundaq al-yadida. This amazing building is a legacy of the Muslim occupation and dates back to the 14th century. It was a former goods depot, a wheat selling point and a merchants’ hostel at the same time. In 1887 it was declared a National Monument.

An authentic flamenco tablao

Granada is the mecca of flamenco. You can’t leave this city without seeing a good flamenco show. This musical genre is passion, art and feeling. Los Jardines de Zoraya is the ideal place to discover Spanish folklore. It is a restaurant with a carmen – the typical courtyard with fountain and garden of the Nasrid period – where you can enjoy a fantastic gastronomic evening enlivened with live music and dance.

Going out for tapas

Going out for tapas is another attraction in the historic center of Granada, as Muslim customs were mixed with Christian ones, giving rise to numerous exquisite recipes. Stroll through its streets and discover its bars and restaurants where you can enjoy the local gastronomy. Some typical dishes from Granada that you should try are: migas de pan, magras con fritada, habas con jamón, patatas a lo pobre, jamón asado, fritura de pescado and croquetas.

As you can see, the historic center of Granada has a lot to offer, from amazing monuments and buildings, to cultural events and excellent Andalusian cuisine. Enjoy your getaway to this wonderful city!

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