Andalusian palaces not to be missed

Andalusia is famous all over the world for its good climate, the pleasant character of the Andalusians, its beaches, flamenco… But it is also famous for its beautiful architecture. Among them, we can find numerous Andalusian palaces that are worth visiting.


The most beautiful palaces in Andalusia

Andalusia is home to many palaces and stately homes, but if we had to choose only a few, these would be the most important and beautiful that you can not miss on your vacation or getaway to these lands:


San Telmo Palace

The Palacio de San Telmo is located in Seville and is currently used as the headquarters of the Presidency of the Junta de Andalucía. It is a baroque style building built between the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. It was erected with the intention of being used as a school for sailors. This initiative was intended to teach orphaned children how to steer the ships that went to the Indies at that time. In the middle of the 19th century it became the habitual home of the Duke of Montpensier and the Infanta Maria Luisa Fernanda de Borbón – sister of Isabel II. Later, the palace would also be used as a diocesan seminary.


Almanzora Palace

This palace is the most important building belonging to the neoclassical movement in Almeria. It was built in the 18th century in the town of Almanzora, hence its name. In its beginnings it had a barn, an oil mill, a housing area, administrative areas, and a manor house in the main part, where the families of the Marquises of Villafranca and the Marquis of La Romana lived. However, the Almanzora Palace can only be seen from the outside, as it is in an advanced state of deterioration due to its abandonment.


Orleans-Borbon Palace

The Orleans-Borbon Palace was another residence of the Duke of Montpensier and the Infanta Maria Luisa Fernanda de Borbon. It was built by the couple during the 1860s and 1870s. It is located in the coastal town of Sanlúcar de Barrameda, Cádiz. The facade of this Andalusian palace is of neo-Mudejar style while its interior belongs to Italian classicism. It has a beautiful garden that was designed by the French gardener Lecolant, which has many species such as a beautiful colony of dragon trees or Chinese orange trees. To arrange visits, we recommend contacting the Sanlúcar de Barrameda Tourist Office.


Palace of the Count of the Andes

The Palacio del Virrey Laserna, another name by which it is known, was built during the 18th century and is located in Jerez de la Frontera (Cádiz). It is worth going there, not only to see this stately home that belonged to José de la Serna y Martínez de Hinojosa – first Count of the Andes and last Viceroy of Peru – but also to visit this beautiful city of Cádiz. After several remodeling works have been carried out in the palace, important pieces have been discovered, such as Arab amphorae or a Nasrid tiled floor, among others. It is now a museum and can be visited from Tuesday to Sunday. They offer guided tours in Spanish, English and French.


Mondragon Palace

This is another Andalusian palace that deserves to be on the list of the most interesting. It is located in Ronda (Malaga), known for its imposing cliffs that separate the city in two. This Mudejar-Renaissance style building is also known as the Palace of the Marquis of Villasierra, and is currently used as a municipal museum. The story goes that it belonged in distant times to King Abd al Malik, son of the Sultan of Morocco Abu al-Hasan ‘Ali. Inside you can see a permanent collection on the history of the region and different archaeological research. It can be visited from Monday to Friday from 9:30 am to 7 pm, Saturdays from 10 am to 6 pm and Sundays from 10 am to 3 pm.


Córdova Palace

The Palacio de los Cordova is one of the great attractions of the city of Granada. Its façade is Renaissance style and the building is surrounded by beautiful gardens and orchards. It has an interior atrium that belongs to the Gothic style, while the ceilings are of Mudejar style. A curious fact is that it was built between 1530 and 1592 initially in the placeta de las Descalzas, and later moved and rebuilt in the Cuesta del Chapiz, its current location. Admission is free and it is open to the public every day of the week.


Generalife Palace

Another interesting place in the city of Granada is the Generalife Palace, built between the XII and XIV centuries. It is located within the Alhambra complex and was used by the Muslim kings as their resting place. It stands out for its gardens and orchards.

with beautiful fountains. It is one of the most important architectural ensembles of Muslim civil architecture. After the expulsion of the Muslims, the Catholic Monarchs ceded the estate to the warden for its exploitation. It is currently owned by the State and can be visited by buying tickets online at various websites that sell tickets to visit the Alhambra, the Generalife and its gardens.


Nasrid Palaces

The Nasrid Palaces are also located within the grounds of the Alhambra in Granada. Also known as Cuarto Real Viejo, they are a palace complex made up of three palaces, the Palace of Comares, El Mexuar and the Palace of the Lions. The Muslim king Alhamar began to build them in the 13th century. It would also later become the residence of the Catholic Monarchs. Like the Palacio del Generalife, tickets are available online. It should be noted that it is necessary to book these in advance, as they are usually in high demand throughout the year.


Viana Palace

It is a palace-museum in Cordoba from the 15th century, in the heart of the Santa Marina district. Throughout history it has had different owners, among them the Marquis of Viana, to whom it owes its name and who made several significant additions to the building. This monument was declared an Asset of Cultural Interest in 1981. It is currently owned by the CajaSur Foundation and can be visited as a whole: the interior of the palace, its twelve courtyards and the garden. It is a set that you can not miss on your way through Cordoba. In fact, it is one of the main tourist attractions of the city.

We hope you liked this selection of Andalusian palaces, where not one of them is wasted and all of them are worth a visit.

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