Ana Pastrana


Ana Pastrana Núñez was born on May 17, 1985 and from an early age developed a special interest in flamenco dancing.

She studied dance at the Professional Dance Conservatory of Malaga, specializing in flamenco dance, obtaining the corresponding title.

In 2002 she was selected to join the Flamenco Workshop of the Centro Andaluz de la Danza, in Seville, directed by José Antonio and Ana María Bueno, Alicia Márquez, Carlos Robles, José Antonio, José Granero, África, Matilde Coral, Rocío Coral.

  • She has been a student of Manuel Maya “Manolete”, Trinidad Santiago “la Trini, “Eva la Yerbabuena”, Antonio Canales, La Farruca, Juana Amaya, Javier La Torre, Milagros Mengibar, Elena Postigo, Domingo Ortega, Alicia Márquez, Carlos Robles, José Granero, África, Matilde Coral, Rocío Coral and Carrete among others.
  • In 2002 he was a finalist in the IV National Dance Competition of the Lope de Vega Theater (Madrid) with a work by Nuria Leiva. In 2008 he was awarded the first prize “Málaga Crea” by the City Council of Málaga. In 2013 she was awarded by the Confederación Andaluza de Peñas Flamencas as “Outstanding Artist in 2013”.
  • Cristobalina Fernández Award in 2019 of Antequera for her teaching work and involvement in the projection of flamenco especially in the youth environment.
  • At the age of fourteen he began to develop his art in the Tablao “los Tarantos” in Malaga with the Maestro “Carrete”, participating in countless festivals, Peñas and flamenco tablaos sharing the stage with artists such as José Mercé, Juanito Villar, Capullo de Jerez, Jesus Mendez, Rancapino son, Macarena de Jerez, David and Carlos de Jacoba, David Palomar, Pansequito, Marina Heredia, Amparo Heredia, El Polaco, Pedro el Granaino, Antonio de Canillas, Virginia Gamez, Sergio Aranda, Luisa Palicio or Carrete de Málaga, among others.
  • He has participated in flamenco festivals , among others, as “La Torre del Cante” of Alhaurin de la Torre, of Jumilla; Noches flamencas de Santa Maria in Antequera; Festival Flamenco de Cartaojal; of Riogordo; of Jumilla; of Albacete; of Cuevas de Almanzora ; Noches de Rebalaje de Torre del Mar in 2018 II Festival Flamenco de Invierno de Málaga in 2018; Festival de ” La Luz” of Antequera in 2019; in the flamenco programming of the “Terral” of the Ayto de Malaga during the summer of 2019; Festival Flamenco de Jerez de la Frontera in 2019; 41 Festival Flamenco de Málaga in 2020; “Flamenco para Enmarcar ” of Diputación Provincial de Málaga in 2020…. and in Peñas Flamencas all over Andalusia.
  • At the age of twenty-two he debuted at the II Bienal de Flamenco de Málaga in the show “Cinco Sensaciones”. In the III Bienal Flamenca de Málaga premiering his show “Tagzona”. It also participates in the IV , V Bienal Flamenca de Málaga with ” Sabor a Málaga” , as well as in the VI edition of the Bienal Flamenca de Málaga ( 2019) with the puppet show ” El Duende flamenco” by Antonio Pino or “Zambra” of its own production.
  • She also participates as a soloist dancer in the equestrian art shows of Antonio Luque.
  • He develops his production facet creating his own shows such as: “Mi tierra …un ideal” dedicated to Blás Infante. Interpretation of the Hymn of Andalusia to the flamenco dance. “Tagzona” , “Zambra”… Choreographer and dancer of Kiti Menver’s play “Que salga el Sol…”.
  • Debuts at the Teatro Maestranza in Seville in the show “Divino Tesoro” by José Luis Ortiz Nuevo or the most recent “Las Siete Magnificas” and “Biznaga” by the same author as well as participating in the premiere “Las Mujeres de Picasso” by David Martin.
  • In 2020 he has collaborated in the edition of video clips of Rocío López “La Boterita”; Chelo Soto or “Foyone”.
  • In 2005 she opened her flamenco dance training center “Escuela Flamenka” of Ana Pastrana where she teaches classes to numerous students of different cultures and nationalities, from three years old to sixty and seventy years old, differentiating the learning in different levels of knowledge using a learning method based on my experience as a professional combining theory with practice, setting objectives to be achieved coinciding with the school year of each year. In addition, he has taught in flamenco seminars such as Malaga in 2019, Festival de Jerez 2019 and in private schools nationally and internationally.
  • I am currently reinventing myself by transferring my didactics to on-line training.
  • As a complementary activity, she participates as an expert in conferences related to flamenco.